I'd like to create a Button, on which i can tip, afterwards, there should show up a picture selection which should be scrollable (probably its a grindview idk). It's like the thing in whatsapp on the upper side right, exactly something like that I'd like to do.
How can I do this? What do I need for that in my Layoutfile, and is it possible to set the content of it, to my Database?
I'd like to have something like that 2 but how can I create that. What do I need for it?
Thx In Advance
Hi safari in that case You need to take Linear layout with horizontal orientation. which having other two Lenear layout like this.
<LinearLayout android:orientation="horizontal" >
<LinearLayout >
<GridView > set images of smiley</GridView>
<LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical" >
and then set visibility i.e gone and visible on require place
it may help some what.