I'm trying to build libtorch (i.e. the headers and shared object files for pytorch) from source, but get an unexpected result. I expected something that looks like the libtorch downloads from pytorch.org:
but instead got this:
abi-check Caffe2Config.cmake cmake_uninstall.cmake empty.cpp modules/ TorchConfig.cmake
aten/ Caffe2ConfigVersion.cmake compile_commands.json FXdiv/ nccl/ TorchConfigVersion.cmake
bin/ CMakeCache.txt confu-deps/ include/ nccl_external-prefix/
build.ninja CMakeFiles/ CTestTestfile.cmake install_manifest.txt sleef/
caffe2/ cmake_install.cmake detect_cuda_version.cc lib/ third_party/
It also contains lots of .o files and other junk, which I didn't expect. And it's missing many of the headers, such as the contents of torch/csrc/autograd/
I followed the instructions for setting up my environment with Conda. Here's the approximate command I used to build:
export BUILD_CAFFE2=1 # probably don't need this
export BUILD_TEST=0
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${CONDA_PREFIX:-"$(dirname $(which conda))/../"}
export DEBUG=0
export MAX_JOBS=16
export USE_CUDA=1
export USE_CUDNN=1
export CUDA_HOME=...
export CUDNN_LIB_DIR=...
export CUDNN_LIBRARY=...
python ../tools/build_libtorch.py
I'm doing this on Linux with Python 3.8.
How can I get it to build the usual libtorch package structure?
I found a way to create the intended libtorch structure by directly using cmake, following this document:
cmake \
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:PATH=`which python3` \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=../pytorch-install \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${CONDA_PREFIX:-"$(dirname $(which conda))/../"} \
cmake --build . --target install -- -j 16
This produces libtorch in ../pytorch-install