
Why is useRef focus not working in React?

In React, I want that if something is typed into a form, another form is immediately set to focus.

For example:

    <title>React App</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="mydiv"></div>
    <script type="text/babel"> 
                                                   //Now its basically like React
      function Inputs() {
        const [otp, setOtp] = React.useState([]); //Here are stored the Values of the numbers
        const itemsRef = React.useRef([]);       //Here are stored the refs of the numbers
        const setOtpfunction = (e, i) => {
          const key = parseInt(e.key);     //I first parse the key that i got from onKeyPress to a number 
          if (key) {
            let OTP = [...otp];
            OTP[i] = key;
            setOtp(OTP);                  //Then i update the numbers
            if (i < 5) {
              const nextForm = i + 1;     //Here i say that the next item schould be the item with the index + 1
              ref[i].focus();            //And here i set the focus. ref.current.focus() wouldnt work in this case
        return (
          <div className="space-x-2">
              placeholder="first input"
              onChange={(e) => (e = null)} //that there is no error because there is no onChange function
              onKeyPress={(e) => setOtpfunction(e, 0)}
              ref={(ref) => (itemsRef[0] = ref)}
              value={otp[0] || ""}
            placeholder="second input"
              onChange={(e) => (e = null)} //that there is no error because there is no onChange function
              onKeyPress={(e) => setOtpfunction(e, 1)}
              ref={(ref) => (itemsRef[1] = ref)}
              value={otp[1] || ""}
              placeholder="third input"
              onChange={(e) => (e = null)} //that there is no error because there is no onChange function
              onKeyPress={(e) => setOtpfunction(e, 2)}
              ref={(ref) => (itemsRef[2] = ref)}
              value={otp[2] || ""}
            <p>Now you can type in 1 number in the inputs and they are stored in UseState. But i want that if in the first input, one number is entered, it focuses the second input and so on</p>
      class Render extends React.Component {
        render() {
          return (
              <Inputs />
      ReactDOM.render(<Render />, document.getElementById("mydiv"));

The console's error was only a warning that you should compile your scripts for production. That's why I hid it.

I also tested it with document.getElemntbyId, which also didn´t work.

I hope you can understand what I mean. Thanks for any answers that can be provided!


  • I would rather make a single Input component, that notifies the parent when the user types something and updates the state accordingly:

    const OTP_LENGTH = 4;
    export default function OTPForm() {
      const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);
      function done() {
        if (index === OTP_LENGTH - 1) {
          console.log("All inputs filled");
        setIndex(index + 1);
      return (
          {Array.from({ length: OTP_LENGTH }, (_, i) => (
            <Input key={i} isCurrent={i === index} done={done} />
    function Input({ isCurrent, done }) {
      const ref = useRef(null);
      useEffect(() => {
        if (isCurrent && ref.current) {
      }, [isCurrent]);
      function onInput(event) {
        if ( > 1) {
        if ( === 1) {
      return <input ref={ref} onInput={onInput} type="number"/>;


    Up to you to expose proper onError / onSubmit handlers from the parent component.