
CHashMap memory not being released on class deinitialisation

I have a class as below (simplified for the post):

class Person

   CHashMap<string, int> Contacts;

Now, when I deinitialise my EA, I get some logs saying:

X undeleted objects left
1 object of type CHashMap<string, int> left
X bytes of leaked memory

In my EA I declare as:

Person p;

And in the OnDeinit function I am calling:

void OnDeinit(const int reason)
  // clean objects
  delete GetPointer(p);

And in the class deinitialisation function I am doing the below:

   delete GetPointer(Contacts);

But still memory leaks... Any help as to why this is the case?


  • It seems the memory leak was down to the fact that I was not using classes properly. The Person class should be declared as a pointer, and so, when calling the delete operator it clears the memory.

    So, instead now :

    Person *p;

    And then :

    void OnDeinit(const int reason)
      // clean objects
      delete p;

    The issue is not with the class itself (i.e. the deinitialisation function) as that seems to clear itself fine.