I want to find out if imprint links are working. Sometimes there are cookie consistent banners and you can not click the link on the page.
But is there a way to find out if there is a second imprint link is clickable on the modal?
export const ttValidateImprintClickable = () => {
cy.log("validateImprintClickable - NCA TESTIFY");
.each((item) => {
let isClick = item.;
Example page https://www.qi-digital.de
Plugin to publish solution open source https://github.com/ncatestify/cypress-base-plugin/blob/main/src/commands/tt-validate-imprint-clickable.ts
The problem is not that you need to find one of the options that is clickable. All the links are all non-clickable because the cookie dialog is covering them.
This is how you can dismiss the cookie dialog and the gray mask which covers the main page
// in case the cookie is already set and the mask does not appear
// use a conditional check first
cy.get('body').then($body => {
if ($body.find('#SgCookieOptin').length) {
// now just click the link
cy.contains('a', 'Impressum').click()
// and confirm the new page appears
cy.contains('h1', 'Impressum', {timeout:10_000}).should('be.visible')
It seems to me that in the test runner, the cookie dialog always appears, in which case you can simplify the test
// remove the cookie dialog
// now just click the link
cy.contains('a', 'Impressum').click()
// and confirm the new page appears
cy.contains('h1', 'Impressum', {timeout:10_000}).should('be.visible')
This code will click the "Impressum" link that is on the footer of the cookie modal.
I added some code to clear application data to force the modal, but it's not consistently showing the cookie modal.
cy.get('#SgCookieOptin') // cookie modal
.find('a:contains(Impressum)') // find the link in the modal footer
.then($a => $a.removeAttr('target')) // stop new browser tab opening