I'm trying to split image into pieces and get the same effect as on the photo below using HTML, CSS and JS or with python lib Pillow.
Original image: input
Result: result
What I have tried so far is using HTML and context.drawImage() function. I was able to split the image into the pieces but I need to make each piece right edge as a mirror wrap, so it would look a 3d'ish so to say. I've also tried Pillow in python as well, I was able to split the image into the pieces again, but I can't find a way to get the edges effect.
Here is python code example:
from PIL import Image
# Open the image
image = Image.open('image.jpeg')
# Divide the image into panels (assuming 3 panels for this example)
width, height = image.size
panel_width = width // 3
panel_height = height
panel1 = image.crop((0, 0, panel_width, panel_height))
panel2 = image.crop((panel_width, 0, panel_width * 2, panel_height))
panel3 = image.crop((panel_width * 2, 0, panel_width * 3, panel_height))
# Add a margin to the right side of each panel
margin = 10
panel1_with_margin = Image.new('RGB', (panel1.width + margin, panel1.height), (255, 255, 255))
panel1_with_margin.paste(panel1, (0, 0))
panel2_with_margin = Image.new('RGB', (panel2.width + margin, panel2.height), (255, 255, 255))
panel2_with_margin.paste(panel2, (0, 0))
panel3_with_margin = Image.new('RGB', (panel3.width + margin, panel3.height), (255, 255, 255))
panel3_with_margin.paste(panel3, (0, 0))
# Combine the panels into a single image
total_width = panel1_with_margin.width + panel2_with_margin.width + panel3_with_margin.width
max_height = max(panel1_with_margin.height, panel2_with_margin.height, panel3_with_margin.height)
combined_image = Image.new('RGB', (total_width, max_height), (255, 255, 255))
combined_image.paste(panel1_with_margin, (0, 0))
combined_image.paste(panel2_with_margin, (panel1_with_margin.width, 0))
combined_image.paste(panel3_with_margin, (panel1_with_margin.width + panel2_with_margin.width, 0))
#Add mirroring and 3d effect here
#...Missed part of the code...
# Save the combined image
Thanks in advance!
There are lots of examples of image distortion, 3D-cubes and 3-D boxes using ImageMagick at the command-line here.
If you find something that you can get working on the commandline, you can do it just the same in Python using wand which is a ctypes binding to ImageMagick.