
Count unique values in column based on another column (Microsoft Excel 2013)

For a project, I'm creating an Excel macro to count unique column values based on another column value. Here is a basic example of the macro I'm trying to create:


col_1 col_2
a x
a y
b z
b z


Sub Main()
    Dim Param As String
    Param = "a"
    MsgBox UniqueValues(Param)
End Sub

Function UniqueValues(Param As String) As String
    Dim EvaluateString As String
    EvaluateString = "=SUM(--(LEN(UNIQUE(FILTER(B:B,A:A=" & """" & Param & """" & ","""")))>0))"
    UniqueValues = Evaluate(EvaluateString)
End Function


The expectation is that for Param = "a" the function returns 2 and for Param = "b" it returns 1.


Even though function works perfpectly in Excel for Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise, the project requires me to use Excel for Microsoft Office Standard 2013. This version doesn't support the use of the UNIQUE and FILTER functions used in EvaluateString.

I want to understand if there's a simple way to count the unique values in a column based on a value in another column in Excel for Microsoft Office Standard 2013. Your help is much appreciated.


  • You can use the array formula


    After entering the formula, instead of Enter, you need to press Ctl + Shift + Enter

    enter image description here

    In VBA, the above formula can be used as shown below

    Option Explicit
    Sub Main()
        Dim Param As String
        Param = "b"
        MsgBox "The count for " & Param & " is " & UniqueValues(Param)
    End Sub
    Function UniqueValues(Param As String) As String
        Dim EvaluateString As String
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        '~~> Change this to the relevant worksheet
        Set ws = Sheet1
        EvaluateString = "SUM(IF($A$1:$A$5=" & _
                         Chr(34) & Param & Chr(34) & _
                         ",1/COUNTIFS($A$1:$A$5," & _
                         Chr(34) & Param & Chr(34) & _
                         ",$B$1:$B$5," & _
        UniqueValues = ws.Evaluate(EvaluateString)
    End Function

    In Action

    enter image description here