
16-bit parallel TFT LCD + Esp32 | white screen problem

It's originally for mega2560 but i want to run it with my esp32 microcontroller. I've been working to make this work but it's just sits there an just looking my face with a white screen.. :/

Microcontroller: Esp32-wroom-32d LCD: 3.5" - 320x480 - 16bit parallel - 65k colour - TFT LCD - Direct Support w/Mega2560


DB0   =>  GPIO15 | RS  => GPIO25
DB1   =>  GPIO2  | WR  => GPIO26
DB2   =>  GPIO0  | CS  => GPIO33
DB3   =>  GPIO4  | RST => GPIO32
DB4   =>  GPIO16
DB5   =>  GPIO17      
DB6   =>  GPIO5        
DB7   =>  GPIO18
DB8   =>  GPIO19  
DB9   =>  GPIO21 
DB10  =>  GPIO13  
DB11  =>  GPIO12  
DB12  =>  GPIO22
DB13  =>  GPIO23
DB14  =>  GPIO14
DB15  =>  GPIO27

I tried TFT-eSP, UTFT-ESP and the one lcdwiki mentions (module package). And also tried to edit them to support my combo but nope, none of them work; i uploaded the "lcdwiki" one to the github so you can see what i changed: https://github.com/Herom123/tft-test/commit/143f8a218c5d346ded4f93f8f740ad1cd5ca46c3

i'm working on this about 4 days straight but nothing happened.. I was being really gentle with lcd so no damage nor i over voltage it. So it's probably because of the code but i can't find where the problem is :/ Can you guys help me out with this thing?

thanks in advance

the links used above:

[3.5" - 320x480 - 16bit parallel - 65k colour - TFT LCD - Direct Support w/Mega2560]: www.lcdwiki.com/3.5inch_Arduino_Display-Mega2560 [TFT_eSPI]: github.com/Bodmer/TFT_eSPI [UTFT-ESP]: github.com/gnulabis/UTFT-ESP [lcdwiki mentions (module package)]: www.lcdwiki.com/3.5inch_Arduino_Display-Mega2560

I want it to be at least draw a pixel so i can know that everything till there works.


  • Problem resolved :)

    the answer is in this forum: https://forum.arduino.cc/t/3-5-tft-ili9486-lcd-shield-16bit-parallel-320x480-esp32-white-screen/1069424?u=herom123