I am learning the Transformer. Here is the pytorch document for MultiheadAttention. In their implementation, I saw there is a constraint:
assert self.head_dim * num_heads == self.embed_dim, "embed_dim must be divisible by num_heads"
Why require the constraint: embed_dim must be divisible by num_heads?
If we go back to the equation
, K
are n x emded_dim
matrices; all the weight matrices W
is emded_dim x head_dim
Then, the concat [head_i, ..., head_h]
will be a n x (num_heads*head_dim)
with size (num_heads*head_dim) x embed_dim
[head_i, ..., head_h] * W^O
will become a n x embed_dim
I don't know why we require embed_dim must be divisible by num_heads
Let say we have num_heads=10000
, the resuts are the same, since the matrix-matrix product will absort this information.
From what I understood, it is a simplification they have added to keep things simple. Theoretically, we can implement the model like you proposed (similar to the original paper). In pytorch documention, they have briefly mentioned it.
Note that `embed_dim` will be split across `num_heads` (i.e. each head will have dimension `embed_dim` // `num_heads`)
Also, if you see the Pytorch implementation, you can see it is a bit different (optimised in my point of view) when comparing to the originally proposed model. For example, they use MatMul
instead of Linear
and Concat
layer is ignored. Refer the below which shows the first encoder (with Btach size 32, 10 words, 512 features).
P.s: If you need to see the model params (like the above image), this is the code I used.
import torch
transformer_model = torch.nn.Transformer(d_model=512, nhead=8, num_encoder_layers=1,num_decoder_layers=1,dim_feedforward=11) # change params as necessary
tgt = torch.rand((20, 32, 512))
src = torch.rand((11, 32, 512))
torch.onnx.export(transformer_model, (src, tgt), "transformer_model.onnx")