
Receive byte array from server in ksoap2 Android client

Good day.

I'm trying to implement RSA encryption between server and Android app. My goal is:

  1. Share the public key with the app.
  2. The application performs encryption and sends the encrypted text to the server.
  3. The server decrypts the text with the private key.

Before the Android app, I did the same steps but with a Java Application, and it worked like a charm. But the thing is how the client was made in that application... On the server side, I did a Soap web service that returns the array of bytes of the public key:

@WebMethod(operationName = "getKey")
public byte[] getPublicKey() {
    try {
        // Message Context
        MessageContext mctx = wsctx.getMessageContext();
        // Getting parameter services
        ParameterServices params = ParameterServices.NewParameterServices(getHttpServletRequestFromMsgContext(mctx), "Dumb Payload");
        // Initializing KEYGEN Object
        // Checking if there are no keys created
        // Creating and sending public key
        return KEYGEN.generatePublicKey();
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        LOGGER.error("Exception in KeyService", e);
        return new byte[0];

In the Java Application, I created the client Interface with javax.jws like this:

@WebService(targetNamespace = "http://my.targetname.value/")
@SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC)
public interface KeyService {
  byte[] getPublicKey();

And this is the part where I'm pretty sure that is the problem. How I retrieve the array of bytes to make the public key it´s something like this:

try {
      URL url = new URL(WSDLURL);
      QName qname = 
      Service service = Service.create(url, qname);
      KeyService keyserv = service.<KeyService>getPort(KeyService.class);
      byte[] key = keyserv.getPublicKey();
      X509EncodedKeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(key);
      KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
      publicKey = kf.generatePublic(spec);
      return true;
    } catch (MalformedURLException|| e) {
      return false;

This line:

byte[] key = keyserv.getPublicKey();

I'm not doing anything with the bytes, I'm just fetching it and done, whatever is throwing the method from the server.


First of all, I tried to import JAXB to android, and I died during the attempt. Later I found the android library ksoap2 from this question. The implementation's almost the same, also the dependencies (ksoap2-android-2.5.2, kxml2-2.2.1...)

class KeyServiceKSoap {

    val NAMESPACE = "http://my.targetname.value/"
    val URL = ""
    val METHOD_NAME = "obtainKey"
    val SOAP_ACTION = "http://my.targetname.value/RSATest/obtainKeyRequest"

    private var thread: Thread? = null

    fun fetchByteArray(getKey : MutableLiveData<String>) {
        thread = object : Thread() {
            override fun run() {
                try {
                    Log.d("KeyService", "Starting...")
                    val request = SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME)
                    val envelope = SoapSerializationEnvelope(
                    envelope.env = ""
                    envelope.headerOut = Array(1) { buildAuthHeaders() }
                    val androidHttpTransport = HttpTransportSE(
          , envelope)
                    val objectResult: SoapObject = envelope.bodyIn as SoapObject
                } catch (sp: SoapFault) {
                } catch (e: Exception) {

    private fun buildAuthHeaders() : Element {
        val authorization = Element().createElement(NAMESPACE, "Authorization")
        authorization.addChild(Node.TEXT, "BEARER")
        return authorization


My problem here is that the response I'm getting it as a String, as you can see in this line:


If you check the Java Application client, I'm getting the array value directly, and not as a String. The issue here is that I don't know what kind of encoding is doing the method I mean, If I know for example that this method is returning a Base64 encoded byte array, in the android application I just need to decode like this and done:

private fun makeKey(encodedString : String) : Boolean {
    return try {
        val byteArr = Base64.decode(encodedString, Base64.DEFAULT);
        val specifications = X509EncodedKeySpec(byteArr)
        val factory: KeyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA")
        publicKey = factory.generatePublic(specifications)
    } catch (e : Exception) {

BUT OBVIOUSLY IS NOT LIKE THIS, if I encrypt and send the encoded string to the server, and the server tries to decrypt this string, I will get javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Decryption error, since the array of bytes was not encoded with Base64...

Is there a way to receive the byte array in ksoap2 Android like the interface created in the Java Application?

If there is no choice and I have to decode the String (to make the RSA public key in the android app)... what would be the right way to do it?


  • Well I don't know how to start this. Apparently, the way to receive an array of bytes as I was doing right now, is the right one.

    With ksoap2 you get the response string, and then decode the String to get your array of bytes.

      private fun makeKey(encodedString : String) : Boolean {
        return try {
            val byteArr = Base64.decode(encodedString, Base64.DEFAULT) <--- OK
            val specifications = X509EncodedKeySpec(byteArr)
            val factory: KeyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA")
            publicKey = factory.generatePublic(specifications)
        } catch (e : Exception) {

    How come I´m so sure of this? Well, is because what was killing me had nothing to do with encoding. It was how I was initializing the Cipher. As I said before, with Java applications, everything was working correctly, but when using the same implementation in android applications (Java Application <=> Android Application), the decryption failed.

    How I was initializing the Cipher was like this:


    According with a comment of this question If you initialize it this way, what will happen is that both, the Android App and the Server will use their independent implementations. This is why it was always failing at the moment of decryption.

    To make all things clear:

    If you are trying to do the same as me, try to initialize all Cipher with RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding in both sides (Server and App)


    Other things like KeyFactory and KeyPairGenerator has to be initialized only with "RSA".


    P.D: I NEVER encoded the array of bytes of the key to Base64 in my SOAP Service... Which makes me think that base64 encoding is done by default at some point