I have the following bar plot:
using Plots, DataFrames
Plots.bar(["A", "B", "c"],[6,5,3],fillcolor=[:red,:green,:blue], legend = :none)
I would like to add a simple small table inside to plot in the top right corner. The table should have the following values of the dataframe:
df = DataFrame(x = ["A", "B", "c"], y = [6,5,3])
3×2 DataFrame
Row │ x y
│ String Int64
1 │ A 6
2 │ B 5
3 │ c 3
So I was wondering if anyone knows how to add a simple table to a Plots
graph in Julia?
You can use the following:
using Plots, DataFrames
df = DataFrame(; x=["A", "B", "c"], y=[6, 5, 3])
plt = Plots.bar(
df[!, :x], df[!, :y]; fillcolor=[:red, :green, :blue], legend=:none, dpi=300
replace(string(df), ' ' => '\u00A0'); family="Courier", halign=:left, color="black"
Which gets you the following plot (after conversion to PNG for uploading to StackOverflow):
Note that we have to replace space characters with '\u00a0'
, non-breaking space, to prevent multiple consecutive spaces from being collapsed by the SVG (SVG‘s collapse consecutive spaces by default).