In a web app built using Play framework, I have a checkout page which lists the user's shopping cart as well as an address form. I created the address form as a tag (addressform.html) so that it can be reused.
#{if shopcart.cartItems}
#{shopcartview customer:customer,shopcart:shopcart/}
#{addressform customer:customer /}
The address form has a form element #{form @setAddressInfo()}
which calls a controller method as below
public static void setAddressInfo(Long customerId,...) {
which if everything went well, goes to a payments page.
The problem occurs when I want to reuse the addressform
on my confirmOrder
#{if shopcart.cartItems}
#{shopcartview customer:customer,shopcart:shopcart/}
#{addressform customer:customer /}
<a href="link_to_payment_page">editPaymentInfo</a>
here, if the user changes the address and submits the form, the setAddressInfo()
method will, on successful completion open up the payments page. That is not good--the user may not want to change the payment info at all. Also, I am providing a link to payments page for those users who want to change payment info. I want the same OrderConfirm page to show up, so that the user can click on the Submit Order
So how do I do it? I can surely reuse the address form in this case right? Can you help me figure out how to manage page flow in this case?
You can provide a parameter, indicating where to redirect the user, to the setAddressInfo() via hidden input or via java paramater like. Both options:
<input type="hidden" name="urlToRedirectUserTo" value="urlToRedirecTo(maybe using @{}..)"/>
#{form @setAddressInfo("urlToRedirectUserTo")}
And in the action you do:
public static void setAddressInfo(String urlToRedirectUserTo) {
There are better options to make it more typed and less error prone, but this one is probably good enough.