
Set Diagnostic Setting for Application Insights

I have created a diagnostic setting for a Log Analytics Workspace.

I'd also like to create and automate a diagnostic setting for workspace-based in Application Insights. However, I am not sure if that makes sense.

I have created a diagnostic setting as followed:

resource appDiagnostics 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings@2021-05-01-preview' = {
  name: appSettingName
  scope: applicationInsights
  properties: {
    storageAccountId: storageAccountId
    logs: [
        category: 'Metrics'
        enabled: true
        category: 'Dependencies'
        enabled: true
        category: 'Exceptions'
        enabled: true
        category: 'PageViews'
        enabled: true
        category: 'PerformanceCounters'
        enabled: true
        category: 'Requests'
        enabled: true
        category: 'SystemEvents'
        enabled: true
        category: 'Traces'
        enabled: true
    metrics: [
        category: 'AllMetrics'
        enabled: true

However, I always get an error that my log categories are not valid. Is it because the data is double?


  • If you look at Azure Monitor Logs references, you will see that all log names have the App prefix so you should be able to do something like that:

    var logTypes = [
    resource appDiagnostics 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings@2021-05-01-preview' = {
      name: appSettingName
      scope: applicationInsights
      properties: {
        storageAccountId: storageAccountId
        logs: [for logType in logTypes: {
          category: logType
          enabled: true
        metrics: [
            category: 'AllMetrics'
            enabled: true