
Where do I find my facebook ad's placement ID?

I'm trying to fill the impression gap of my other ad provider with Facebook ads (Facebook audience network) to increase the income of my application.

So far so good, the testing works, I see the facebook test ad on the emulator, however, when it comes to this code:

fbRewardedVideoAd = new RewardedVideoAd(ctx, "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID"); 

I simply stuck. Documentation says it is okay for testing but I should replace this with my real placement id which I absolutely cannot find no matter where I'm looking for it and the documentation also fails to state where should I look for it.

So where is this placement id? What is this at all?

Anyone can help?


  • You can find your placement ID under Monetisation Manager-Properties-Your application. (if you have already created the placement ids)

    If you have not created you can create a property first(Link your application) and under it you can create ad space and then property ids.

    The document is here - Facebook Business