
Javascript Regex capture group with at least 1 non-digit of two forms: delimited by space and enclosed in quotes

I'm trying to category_id for purely numeric values, this works. I need to also capture category_name. For category_name, I need to capture until space or include space if it started with a double quote.

Sample user input string:

python c:192 c:1Stackoverflow c:"Stack Overflow2"

The desired captures should be these two values for category_name and the 192 for category_id.

Expected output:

Stack Overflow2

The category_name must contain at least one non-digit, but can be all alpha with no digits.

This query partially works:

/c:(?<category_name>(?:")(?!\d+)[^"]+(?:")|(?!\d+)[^ ]+)/g

It doesn't capture the input 1Stackoverflow, but does the quoted one. I need to remove the quotes:

(x.groups?.[key] ?? '').replace(/^\"/, '').replace(/\"$/, '')

The ?!\d+ is an attempt to evade clashing with category_id, but does not appear to be working.

How can I capture category_name in both forms (one word and quote deliminated) without the quotes in the capture and working with a leading digit?


  • To capture all 3 named groups in one regex use:


    Updated RegEx Demo

    RegEx Breakdown: