
Can't we convert string into Integer and add it to other Integers at the same time and check in a if condition if it equals another integer?

I was solving a question on Codechef and I encountered this problem.

Here is the link to the question.

Basically we are given three angles and we need to check if their sum is 180 and therefore it is a triangle, and if it is we need to print YES or else we need to print NO.

We are given input in the following format.

40 40 100
45 45 90
180 1 1

[Note: There is a blank string(" ") right after 3.]

This is my source code.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Codechef {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception {

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        int T = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine().split(" ")[0]);
        String[] output = new String[T];
        while (--T >= 0) {
            String arr[] = sc.nextLine().split(" ");

            System.out.println("arr[0]: " + Integer.parseInt(arr[0]));
            System.out.println("arr[1]: " + Integer.parseInt(arr[1]));
            System.out.println("arr[2]: " + Integer.parseInt(arr[2]));
            if ((Integer.parseInt(arr[0]) + Integer.parseInt(arr[1]) + Integer.parseInt(arr[2])) == 180) {
                output[T] = "YES";
            } else {
                output[T] = "NO";

        IntStream.range(0, output.length).forEach(h -> System.out.println(output[h]));


The output it is returning on Codechef is:

arr[0]: 40
arr[1]: 40
arr[2]: 100
arr[0]: 45
arr[1]: 45
arr[2]: 90
arr[0]: 180
arr[1]: 1
arr[2]: 1

What is wrong here, please help.

My question is how come arr[0]: 40 + arr[1]: 40 + arr[2]: 100 is not equal to 180, I mean 40 + 40 + 100 should be equal to 180, so what is wrong.

When in the Eclipse IDE I gave the input of:

40 40 100

It showed me output of:

arr[0]: 40
arr[1]: 40
arr[2]: 100

But when I give the same output there, it doesn't executes fully and keeps processing while it is incomplete and shows me output of(I am inserting the image):

enter image description here

Note: The red square in the right corner of the image shows that it is still executing.

However when I have removed the printing statements and gave the same input in eclipse, it showed me an output of: (Inserting an image again)

enter image description here

I hope you have understood my problem.

My question again is how come arr[0]: 40 + arr[1]: 40 + arr[2]: 100 is not equal to 180, I mean 40 + 40 + 100 should be equal to 180, what is wrong. And when I am executing it individually it is showing me the right output but when I do the test case on Codechef it is showing the opposite answer.

What is wrong here?


  • The variable T runs "backwards"; it starts at - in the example - 2 and ends at 0. Variable T is also used to index the output array. This means that:

    Now we see that - in fact - the value of output[0] (being "NO") is correct since 180 + 1 + 1 = 182 != 180.

    I rewrote the program such that the output is stored in the order the values are calculates:

    class Ideone {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        int num = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine().split(" ")[0]);
        String[] output = new String[num];
        for (int index = 0; index < num; ++index) {
          String arr[] = sc.nextLine().split(" ");
          System.out.println("arr[0]: " + Integer.parseInt(arr[0]));
          System.out.println("arr[1]: " + Integer.parseInt(arr[1]));
          System.out.println("arr[2]: " + Integer.parseInt(arr[2]));
          if ((Integer.parseInt(arr[0]) + Integer.parseInt(arr[1]) + Integer.parseInt(arr[2])) == 180) {
            output[index] = "YES";
          } else {
            output[index] = "NO";

    This then gives the output:

    [YES, YES, NO]

    Some remarks: