I am trying to make SqsListener
work but I can't with Spring Boot 3, it simply doesn't receive anything. When I change Spring Boot version back to 2.X everything's work perfectly.
I am using 2.4.2 version of Spring cloud:
Can you please point me to the correct version of spring cloud? Would I need to use milestone version for that?
It doesn't work as version 2.4.2 of spring-cloud-starter-aws-messaging relies on spring.factories
for Spring Boot autoconfiguration, but the support for that has been removed in Spring Boot 3.0.0. See https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/wiki/Spring-Boot-3.0-Migration-Guide#auto-configuration-files.
You can enable the auto configuration by creating the following file
# content
But, it probably won't work anyway as spring-cloud-aws also relies on classes from Spring Messaging that were deprecated and removed in Spring 6 (which is used in Spring Boot 3), specifically org.springframework.messaging.handler.annotation.support.PayloadArgumentResolver
You'll have to wait for Spring Cloud AWS to support Spring Boot 3. They are working on Spring Cloud AWS 3.0.0, but I don't think it has a release date yet. https://github.com/awspring/spring-cloud-aws