
Why my boolean is unreachable code and compilation error?

I am doing a leave management system for my assignment. And this is the part where I ask user to save their registration. First, I use do...while(true) loop to ask for their info like name, ID , department, etc. I start with adding a boolean regErr = false before the do...while(true) loop and it has no problem.

Then I continue with this part and add a boolean saveReg. But I have no idea why it shows error and says its unreachable code. If I add the boolean saveReg inside do...while loop also doesn't work. I really need your help to figure out what's the problem. Thank you in advance and have a nice day!

        boolean saveReg;    //the boolean that is unreachable code
        try(PrintWriter rW = new ....)){
        }catch(IOException err){
        System.out.println("Fail to register.");


  • That is because of your first code, while(true) will make it run for infinite times so code below this is unreachable. Use below code -

     boolean regErr = false;
         regErr = false;
         System.out.print("Name: ");
      }while(regErr )