
Is it possible to pass on an exeption thrown during a stream operation?

Consider the following java code:

    public void write(FrameConsumer fc) throws FFmpegFrameRecorder.Exception{
        frameStream.forEach(n -> fc.consume(n));        

In this case "frameStream" is a Stream of Objects that can be passed to the "consume" method, and fc is a class containing the "consume" method. Another important note is that the "consume" method throws a "FFmpegFrameRecorder.Exception", which I would like to pass on to whatever method calls "write" in the future.

However the above code does not compile, because: "Unhandled exception type FFmpegFrameRecorder.Exception Java(16777384)". Why is that?

Best regards, CCI

EDIT: Puting a try_catch block inside the lambda expression does not solve the problem either, hence:

public void write(FrameConsumer fc) throws FFmpegFrameRecorder.Exception{
    frameStream.forEach(n -> {
        try {
        } catch (FFmpegFrameRecorder.Exception e) {
            throw e;   //**this part does not compile**

(As provided by @Soumya Manna) does not compile either. The compiler still wants for the program to handle the "FFmpegFrameRecorder.Exception e" as it is thrown.


  • The reason the lambda can't throw a checked exception is that java.lang.Stream#forEach's parameter (action) is of type java.util.function.Consumer, whose only non-default method, accept, does not declare any exceptions.

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