As shown in using fortran derived type variable without %, we can use associate to avoid using the percentage sign. An example is as below:
program test
type z_type
real x,y
end type z_type
type(z_type) :: z
associate (x=>z%x)
associate (y=>z%y)
end associate
end associate
But if I have too many member variables in the derived type, are there any "efficient " way for me to get what the above "associate " approach does?
An update: the problem is that I am refactoring a legacy code, in which I need to wrap up many variables to a derived type structure. But I hope I don't need to add to each variable in the block of the previous codes with the derived data name followed by % sign.
Well, you could use pointers, I suppose, but it's a bit unnatural.
program test
implicit none
type z_type
real x, y
end type z_type
type(z_type), target :: z
real, pointer :: x, y
x => z%x
y => z%y
x = 10
y = 20
write( *, * ) z
end program test
If the variables were all of one type then Fortran arrays are devastatingly effective:
program test
implicit none
type z_type
real x(2)
end type z_type
type(z_type) z
z%x = [ 10, 20 ]
write( *, * ) z
end program test
Overall, it might be better to make z_type a proper class, with its own type-bound procedures (aka member functions) and just make it object-oriented programming.
module modz
implicit none
type z_type
real x, y
procedure write_me
end type z_type
subroutine write_me( this )
class(z_type), intent(in) :: this
write( *, *) this%x, this%y
end subroutine write_me
end module modz
program test
use modz
implicit none
type(z_type) :: z = z_type( 10, 20 )
call z%write_me
end program test