
How can I set a Flatpickr theme dynamically?

I am using flatpickr in a Vue 3 project and would like the user to able to change the theme dynamically. Using:


will set the theme to material_blue, but if the theme is then changed within the project, for example:


the previous css file remains (presumably cached) and the new theme is not applied.

How do I get around this? I have looked at 'unrequiring' but can't get this to work.


Achieved with this:

Initialising with a default theme in the index file:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

and if it changed:

  var stylesheet = document.head.querySelector("link[href*='themes']");
  stylesheet.href = "" + myNewTheme + ".css";


  • I can tell you they are doing it on their website

    There is a script themer.js which is handling the changes:

    In this script the link element is accessed first

    stylesheet = document.head.querySelector("link[href$='flatpickr.css']"),

    And then when the theme is changed, the href attribute of that style is changed

    stylesheet.href =
      "" + +

    Which unloads the old css and loads new one