
How to use generate_series to get the sum of values in a weekly interval

I'm having trouble using generate_series in a weekly interval. I have two examples here, one is in a monthly interval and it is working as expected. It is returning each month and the sum of the facts.sends values. I'm trying to do the same exact thing in a weekly interval, but the values are not being added correctly.

Monthly interval (Working): https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/a9SbDBpa9SMGxM3bk8fMAD/0

Weekly interval (Not working): https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/tNxRbCxvgwswoaN7esDk5w/2


  • You should generate a series that starts on Monday.

    WITH range_values AS (
      SELECT date_trunc('week', min(fact_date)) as minval,
             date_trunc('week', max(fact_date)) as maxval
      FROM facts),
    week_range AS (
      SELECT generate_series(date_trunc('week', '2022-05-01'::date), now(), '1 week') as week
      FROM range_values
    grouped_facts AS (
      SELECT date_trunc('week', fact_date) as week,
      FROM facts
        fact_date >= '2022-05-20'
    SELECT week_range.week,
           COALESCE(sum(sends)::integer, 0) AS total_sends
    FROM week_range
    LEFT OUTER JOIN grouped_facts on week_range.week = grouped_facts.week
    GROUP BY 1
    ORDER BY 1;

    DB Fiddle.