I have a problem and don't know how to solve: I'm learning how to analyze DICOM files with Python and, so,
I got a patient exam, on single patient and one single exam, which is 200 DICOM files all of the size 512x512 each archive representing a different layer of him and I want to turn them into a single archive .npy so I can use in another tutorial that I found online.
Many tutorials try to convert them to jpg or png using opencv first, but I don't want this since I'm not interested in a friendly image to see right now, I need the array. Also, this step screw all the quality of images.
I already know that using:
medical_image = pydicom.read_file(file_path)
image = medical_image.pixel_array
I can grab the path, turn 1 slice in a pixel array and them use it, but the thing is, it doesn't work in a for loop.
The for loop I tried was basically this:
image = [] # to create an empty list
for f in glob.iglob('file_path'):
img = pydicom.dcmread(f)
It results in a list with all the files. Until here it goes well, but it seems it's not the right way, because I can use the list and can't find the supposed next steps anywhere, not even answers to the errors that I get in this part, (so I concluded it was wrong)
The following code snippet allows to read DICOM files from a folder dir_path
and to store them into a list. Actually, the list does not consist of the raw DICOM files, but is filled with NumPy arrays of Hounsfield units (by using the apply_modality_lut
import os
from pathlib import Path
import pydicom
from pydicom.pixel_data_handlers import apply_modality_lut
dir_path = r"path\to\dicom\files"
dicom_set = []
for root, _, filenames in os.walk(dir_path):
for filename in filenames:
dcm_path = Path(root, filename)
if dcm_path.suffix == ".dcm":
dicom = pydicom.dcmread(dcm_path, force=True)
except IOError as e:
print(f"Can't import {dcm_path.stem}")
hu = apply_modality_lut(dicom.pixel_array, dicom)