Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".../GradeCalculatorPlus/", line 127, in <module>
calculate_grade_final(summatives, formatives, course)
File ".../GradeCalculatorPlus/", line 60, in calculate_grade_final
lowest_grade_possible = lowest_grade(desired_end_grade, summatives, formatives)
File ".../GradeCalculatorPlus/", line 38, in lowest_grade
if average(summatives_copy.append(next_summative_grade), formatives_copy) >= desiredGrade:
File ".../GradeCalculatorPlus/", line 26, in average
int_summatives = [int(numeric_string) for numeric_string in summatives]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
I know that one of the lists is not passing through properly to lowest_grade()
but I can't figure out why.
I have heavily abstracted one method call in python. The top most call looks like this
and formative
are both empty lists that are initialized beforehand)
calculate_grade_final(summatives, formatives, course)
This call goes to the calculate_grade_final()
method below
def calculate_grade_final(summatives, formatives, course):
print('Please enter your FORMATIVE grades:')
formatives = grade_loop(formatives)
print('FORMATIVES for ' + str(course) + ':' + str(formatives))
print('Please enter your SUMMATIVE grades:')
summatives = grade_loop(summatives)
print('SUMMATIVES for ' + str(course) + ':' + str(summatives))
average_grade = average(summatives, formatives)
print('Average for ' + str(course) + ':' + str(average_grade))
desired_end_grade = input('What is your desired end grade for ' + str(course) + '? ')
lowest_grade_possible = lowest_grade(desired_end_grade, summatives, formatives)
print('The lowest possible grade you can get to get a ' + str(desired_end_grade) + ' for ' + str(
course) + ' is either a SUMMATIVE grade of ' + str(
lowest_grade_possible[0]) + ' OR a FORMATIVE grade of ' + str(lowest_grade_possible[1]))
The issue then goes to the lowest_grade()
method which looks like this:
def lowest_grade(desiredGrade, summatives, formatives):
possibilities = []
summatives_copy = summatives
formatives_copy = formatives
for next_summative_grade in range(101):
if average(summatives_copy.append(next_summative_grade), formatives_copy) >= desiredGrade:
for next_formative_grade in range(101):
if average(summatives_copy, formatives_copy.append(next_formative_grade)) >= desiredGrade:
return possibilities
Which then goes to the average()
method which looks like this:
def average(summatives, formatives):
# summatives and formatives are stored in a list of strings so I quickly convert it into a list of integers
# basically the array is like ['97','56','44'] and I convert it into [97,56,44]
int_summatives = [int(numeric_string) for numeric_string in summatives]
int_formatives = [int(numeric_string) for numeric_string in formatives]
return (mean(int_summatives) * summative_weighting_factor) + (
mean(int_formatives) * formative_weighting_factor)
However the average()
method is throwing a NoneType error based on the Python traceback despite the fact that I called it earlier in calculate_grade_final()
which resulted in the course grade average of 92
Please enter your FORMATIVE grades:
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)98
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)100
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)100
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)100
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)98
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)97
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)100
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)100
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)stop
FORMATIVES for AP American Lit Lang/Comp:['98', '100', '100', '100', '98', '97', '100', '100']
Please enter your SUMMATIVE grades:
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)93
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)85
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)92
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)95
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)88
Enter a number grade (no fractions or percentages!) (Type 'stop' to stop the loop)stop
SUMMATIVES for AP American Lit Lang/Comp:['93', '85', '92', '95', '88']
Average for AP American Lit Lang/Comp:92.73124999999999
What is your desired end grade for AP American Lit Lang/Comp? 95
(the last input (95
) is what breaks the program and causes the average() method to somehow not get the summative
and formative
lists despite average() working for the Average for AP American Lit Lang/Comp:92.73124999999999
line of input)
I tried adding a copy of the summative
and formative
lists to lowest_grade()
because I thought it would fix the problem of the lists not passing through to the final average()
method but that didn't work either.
in lowest_grade
function, make seperate step for append and then pass the list to average
and do check there
change here, dont do append
in the average
function. do that in the previous step and pass the updated list to function to do checking
-> if average(summatives_copy.append(next_summative_grade), formatives_copy) >= desiredGrade:
->if average(summatives_copy, formatives_copy.append(next_formative_grade)) >= desiredGrade: