
Error while knitting R-markdown to pdf: must be a finite number

Knitting my File produces the error message down below:

Picture of Error

This is how my File starts:

Start of file

Unfortunately, I couldn't try anything as I have no idea what the error message has to do with the displayed information.

I hope to knit the document to a pdf once this error has been removed.

My code:

          col = hcl.colors(length(data), "Spectral"),
          radius = 1.7, 
          theta = 0.25,  
          shade = 0.5,
          height = 0.3,
          start = pi/1.25, 
          explode = 0.2)
title("Anzahl Ankünfte nach Herkunftsland der Touristen 2020" )


  • The most obvious problem is that you are probably asking for a palette of length 1:

    hcl.colors(1, "Spectral")

    Error in seq.int(1, by = -2/(n - 1), length.out = n2) : 'by' must be a finite number

    This happens because hcl.colors tries to set up a step size -2/(n-1), which is infinite if n==1.

    Guessing beyond this what's going on: unless you have explicitly defined an object called data in your workspace, R will find the built-in function data(): length(data) is 1 (as it seems all functions have length 1 - not quite sure what the logic is here ...)

    Also keep in mind that if you have a data frame df, length(df) will give you the number of columns — you would need nrow(df) to get the number of rows ...