
bazel genrule cmd that needs a filename

I am trying to run objcopy --redefine-syms=filename command in Bazel genrule. My idea is: first create the filename using echo command in the first genrule, and use the filename in objcopy command in the second genrule. But I got this error message: in cmd attribute of genrule rule @lib_mod//:mod-symbol: label '@lib_mod//:symsfile' in $(location) expression is not a declared prerequisite of this rule. How to solve this issue?

The partial bazel file is here:

    name = "symsfile",
    srcs = [":sym_map"],
    name = "sym_map",
    outs = [""],
    cmd = """touch $@;
echo "js_string js_string_mod" >> $@;
    name = "mod-symbol",
    srcs = [LIB_PATH + "lib.a"],
    outs = [LIB_PATH + "lib_mod.a"],
    cmd = "objcopy --redefine-syms=$(location symsfile)  $< $@",


  • The symbol renaming file is also an input to the last genrule; it must be added to srcs:

        name = "mod-symbol",
        srcs = [
            LIB_PATH + "lib.a",
        outs = [LIB_PATH + "lib_mod.a"],
        cmd = "objcopy --redefine-syms=$(location :sym_map)  $< $@",

    (The intermediate symsfile filegroup is not necessary.)