I have upgraded my expo version to version 47.0.9 I came from expo 45 so it was a pretty big upgrade.
It's all working fine except for one thing. The material top tabs for react native don't work on tab but they work if i scroll. On IOS it is working fine but on android it doesn't
i have recorded a little video of me showing it: https://youtu.be/XtZMZ-IzDxs
So i have tried to change some properties in de tabs etc. but nothing seems to be working
Here is my code
<Tab.Navigator initialRouteName="Overview" navigation={navigation}
labelStyle: { fontSize: 15, fontFamily: 'Inter_700Bold', textTransform: 'none' },
indicatorStyle: { backgroundColor: 'black', height: 2 }
screenOptions={({route}) => ({
headerShown: false
<Tab.Screen name="Leerdoelen">{props => <Overview isHybrid={isHybrid} moduleScore={moduleScore} moduleUsers={moduleUsers} data={data} userData={userData} colorBox={colorBox} accentColor={accentColor} navigation={navigation}/>}</Tab.Screen>
<Tab.Screen name="Onderwijs">{props => <Curriculum listOfBibleschoolHybridUserIn={listOfBibleschoolHybridUserIn} isHybrid={isHybrid} data={data} userData={userData} colorBox={colorBox} accentColor={accentColor} navigation={navigation}/>}</Tab.Screen>
{isHybrid !== true &&
<Tab.Screen name="Overig">{props => <Teachers data={data} teacherData={teacherData} colorBox={colorBox} accentColor={accentColor} userData={userData} navigation={navigation}/>}</Tab.Screen>
{isHybrid === true &&
<Tab.Screen name="Opdrachten">{props => <Assignments data={data} teacherData={teacherData} colorBox={colorBox} accentColor={accentColor} userData={userData} navigation={navigation}/>}</Tab.Screen>
all my import are good and on IOS everything works fine.
Someone has a solution?
So it's very simple.
You need to install this package:
npx expo install react-native-pager-view