
Cefsharp UI issue after 108.4.130 version update in Windows application

We have a windows application in which we are using cefsharp to open chrome browser to display some data. It was working fine with cefsharp version 75.1.14. But recently as part of Angular 14 update we had to update cefsharp to 108.4.130 latest version. After the update we are facing UI issues in our windows application (NOT Chrome page). Applcaition UI's font size and overall size became too small. As part of Cefsharp update we only did the following changes

  1. Updated cefsharp to latest 108 for all cefsharp depended libraries

  2. Changes recommended for new version update like

     _chromeWebBrowser.javascriptobjectrepository.settings.legacybindingenabled = true


     _chromeWebBrowser.javascriptobjectrepository.Register("myAsync", New ChromeBrowserEventHandler(Me),True,BindingOptions.DefaultBinder)  

Chrome is rendering without any issues, but window application UI design is facing this issue.

Any help will be appreciated


  • Finally I resolved the issue. It was not DPI awareness which caused my issue. It looks the like the issue was with cefsharp version i installed 108.4.130. So to fix the issue i downgraded cefsharp version to 107.1.120 and after that resolution issue solved.