
Python3 ZipFile how to write non-utf8 filename to archive by using writestr function

I am writing something like auto-compress files and upload to server, and I'm using writestr to directly write bytes to ZipFile from memory. But for historical problems, I need to make it display properly on some Windows PC with GBK encoding.

Python3's str encoding is default utf-8. I want to know how to write the correct byte stream for the filename, the content can work with utf-8 so no need to care file content.

I need a code sample. Thanks. Any solution is acceptable like new a class inherit it.


  • Thanks to @tripleee.

    Override _encodeFilenameFlags method works:

    class GBKZipInfo(zipfile.ZipInfo):
        # override _encodeFilenameFlags method, change encoding to GBK
        def _encodeFilenameFlags(self):
                return self.filename.encode('gbk'), self.flag_bits
            except UnicodeEncodeError:
                return self.filename.encode('utf-8'), self.flag_bits | 0x800