
Ubutu 20.04: lando db-import data.sql error, 'No such file or directory'

I am on Ubuntu 20.04 and lando 3.6.1. I have a WordPress site setup with lando. Everything is fine except that I am unable to import the SQL dump using the following command:

$ lando db-import ucoh-data.sql

The dump is placed at the root of the lando application.

When running from a command window (CLI):

chown: cannot access '/app/ucoh-data.sql': No such file or directory

When running inside a PHPStorm terminal:

lando db-import ucoh-data.sql
Lando should never ever ever be run as root...
   ___ __                          ______
  / (_) /_____   ___ _  _____ ____/ / / /
 / / /  '_/ -_) / -_) |/ / -_) __/_/_/_/ 
/_/_/_/\_\\__/  \__/|___/\__/_/ (_|_|_)  

Process finished with exit code 77 at 18:21:33.
Execution time: 252 ms.

According to https://stackoverflow.com/a/66198677/1496518 The exit code 77 means Permission Deined. I cannot understand which particular area could be responsible for this permission thing!

I tried to find a solution in Google for nearly 2 hours but could not find anything really useful, especially for the version of Ubuntu Iam currently using.

The permission for /usr/share/lando directory in my PC is

rwxr-xr-x    4 root root   4096 Nov 10 18:17 lando


  • I experienced a similar issue with a Lando Drupal install.
    I resolved it by adding the database import command directly into my .lando.yml "tooling" (per Lando Docs https://docs.lando.dev/guides/db-import.html):

      'db-import <file>':
        service: :host
        description: Imports a dump file into a database service
        cmd: /helpers/sql-import.sh
        user: root
            description: The database service to use
            default: database
              - h
            description: Do not destroy the existing database before an import
            boolean: true

    Then I ran lando rebuild. After that I was able to import my database with no errors.