
Electron Updater downloads the update but does not install it on macOS (Squirrel.Mac)

I have a cross-platform Electron App, which I deploy and release to Github. I implemented an auto-update logic of my own with the electron-updater library. It works as a charm on Windows, however, it is a little bit problematic on macOS. I signed and notarized the app successfully and am sure that the problem is not related to that part.

My application starts as usual, notifies the user about the update when update-downloaded event is received, and prompts the user whether they want to update the application. If the user clicks on install&restart, the application calls the quitAndInstall() function, which does nothing. Neither it quits the application, nor restarts it. Also, when I restart the application manually, it notifies and prompts the user again. And this goes on and on like that.

autoUpdater.on('update-downloaded', (info) => {
    // Show a dialog asking the user if they want to restart the app to install the update
      type: 'question',
      buttons: ['Install and Restart', 'Later'],
      defaultId: 0,
      message: 'A new update has been downloaded. Would you like to install and restart the app now?'
    }, (response) => {
      if (response === 0) {
        // User clicked 'Install and Restart'

I checked the auto-updater logs, and see that the latest update is downloaded to my machine. However, somehow, it is not being replaced with the old version. When I restart the application, the same set of logs below are logged again. I tried to wait for the last logged step to complete, but it seems like it is stuck there until the end of time. My auto-updater logs are as follows:

[2023-01-08 11:37:05.284] [info]  Checking for update
[2023-01-08 11:37:06.789] [info]  Found version 1.0.8 (url:, Duolance-Tracker-1.0.8.dmg)
[2023-01-08 11:37:06.791] [info]  Downloading update from, Duolance-Tracker-1.0.8.dmg
[2023-01-08 11:37:06.796] [warn]  sysctl shell command to check for macOS Rosetta environment failed: Error: Command failed: sysctl sysctl.proc_translated
sysctl: unknown oid 'sysctl.proc_translated'

[2023-01-08 11:37:06.800] [info]  Checked 'uname -a': arm64=false
[2023-01-08 11:37:07.162] [info]  Update has already been downloaded to /Users/ardaakcabuyuk/Library/Application Support/Caches/duolancetracker-updater/pending/
[2023-01-08 11:37:10.983] [info]  / requested
[2023-01-08 11:37:10.988] [info]  / requested
[2023-01-08 11:37:10.989] [info]  / requested by Squirrel.Mac, pipe /Users/ardaakcabuyuk/Library/Application Support/Caches/duolancetracker-updater/pending/

I suspected that this issue might be occurring because of the new macOS Ventura, however, the behavior is the same on macOS Monterey. My build configuration:

"mac": {
      "asarUnpack": "**/*.node",
      "category": "",
      "target": [
      "icon": "build/icon.icns",
      "entitlements": "build/sign/entitlements.mac.plist",
      "entitlementsInherit": "build/sign/entitlements.mac.plist",
      "hardenedRuntime": true,
      "gatekeeperAssess": false,
      "extendInfo": {
        "NSAppTransportSecurity": {
           "NSAllowsArbitraryLoads": true
         "NSExceptionDomains": {
           "localhost": {
             "NSTemporaryExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPSLoads": false,
             "NSIncludesSubdomains": false,
             "NSTemporaryExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads": true,
             "NSTemporaryExceptionMinimumTLSVersion": "1.0",
             "NSTemporaryExceptionRequiresForwardSecrecy": false

I'm looking forward for any suggestions. Hopefully from someone that suffered from the same problem I am trying to deal with.

I tried every suggested solution existent on the Internet, however I couldn't find the way out.


  • I solved the issue. It was a read-only file permission error in my case. What I can suggest is to check the logs of ShipIt. It is located at /Users/[xxx]/Library/Caches/[your_application_id].ShipIt/ShipIt_stderr.log. Resolving the permission issue did not fix the quitAndInstall function not working. What I did for that is to change the dialog code to according to the documentation. The new version, I think, follows the Promise pattern.

        type: 'question',
        buttons: ['Install and Restart', 'Later'],
        defaultId: 0,
        message: 'A new update has been downloaded. Would you like to install and restart the app now?'
    }).then(selection => {
        if (selection.response === 0) {
            // User clicked 'Install and Restart'

    Hope this helps if someone is facing the same issue.