I have not been able to find documentation that addresses this. I want to grab header data for some links to text files to determine which are recent, but I don't want to download each file to find out this information.
So it turns out that I couldn't make a HEAD request directly from puppeteer, but I can use node's https library in conjunction with puppeteer to make a HEAD request. This very informative article helped me arrive at a solution.
import https from 'https';
import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
async function downloadWithLinks() {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: true // false
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(
{ waitUntil: 'networkidle2' }
const imgUrl = await page.$eval('.tB6UZ', img => img.src);
https.request(imgUrl, {method: 'HEAD'}, res=> {console.log(res.headers)}).end()