I have the following dataframe
import pandas as pd
data = [['onto.modify', 'onto.ModificationAction1']]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['queries', 'corpus'])
queries corpus
0 onto.modify onto.ModificationAction1
The elements of corpus column
are Individuals
of a particular Class
of an ontology
called ontology2
I want to add the elements of the queries column
as individuals
to the same Class
that the elements of the corpus column
belong to.
For example, if the onto.ModificationAction1
belong to the ontology2.Thing class
the same must be for the ontology2.modify
Initially, I loop over the corpus columns
to find in which Class
each Individual
belongs to:
for elements in df["corpus"]:
print (element.is_a)
However, I get back:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'is_a'
So how do I solve this error and eventually perform what I am describing above in the example?
Error happens because values in your dataframe are strings, not individuals. You have to look up an individual based on its name using search()
or search_one()
(see documentation). This code should do the job:
import pandas as pd
import owlready2
data = [['onto.modify', 'onto.ModificationAction1']]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['queries', 'corpus'])
onto = owlready2.get_ontology("http://test.org/onto.owl")
class Action(owlready2.Thing):
namespace = onto
modification_action = Action(name="ModificationAction1")
for row in df.iterrows():
row_series = row[1]
# Trow away ontology name, get only individual name
corpus_individual_name = row_series['corpus'].split('.', 1)[1]
# Find individual
corpus_individual = onto.search_one(iri=onto.base_iri + corpus_individual_name)
# Get individual classes
corpus_classes = corpus_individual.is_a
# Trow away ontology name, get only individual name
query_individual_name = row_series['queries'].split('.', 1)[1]
# Create new individual with first class of old individual
new_individual = corpus_classes[0](name=query_individual_name)
# In case old individual is multiclass, add remaining classes to new individual
for corpus_class in corpus_classes[1:]:
for i in onto.individuals():
print(i, i.is_a)
You can see the new individual in the output along with its class.
onto.ModificationAction1 [onto.Action]
onto.modify [onto.Action]
P.S.: I'm assuming here that you have only one ontology -- onto
. If not, you should either 1) Have a lookup dictionary for ontologies to map "onto"
into actual ontology object/IRI, or 2) instead of “onto.”
prefix specify full IRI in your dataframe and lookup ontology by IRI.