I am trying to show initials when the user does not upload an icon, or set an icon, my only problem is our code uses jetpack compose and I have not found a better way to display this. My code is below but what this code does is it draws the name not in the card.
I have the ProfileCard, which has an Image and two text see image
my challenge now is how do I center the initials, and have a color in the background. I think draw Text is not working. In short I am wondering why it is not drawing on my Image in the card.
How to make initials icons using Coil in Jetpack Compose
I want to achieve something like this with text on the side
My code.
val painter = rememberAsyncImagePainter(model = getProfileAvatar(e.id))
val errorState = painter.state is AsyncImagePainter.State.Error
val emptyState = painter.state is AsyncImagePainter.State.Empty
val isErrorState = painter.state is AsyncImagePainter.State.Error
val textMeasure = rememberTextMeasurer()
val textLayoutResult = textMeasure.measure(text = buildAnnotatedString { append(personName) },
style = TextStyle(color = Color.White,
fontSize = 16.sp))
// the composable Profile Card that has the image and text. Hence the painter is what I //am trying to draw to.
ProfileCard( modifier = Modifier.drawBehind
{ if (errorState || emptyState)
{ drawText(textLayoutResult = textLayout) }
painter = painter,
onCardClick = {
// My Coil Loader
private fun getProfileAvatar(id: String) : ImageRequest {
val url = ServiceAPI.photoUrl(id)
return ImageRequest.Builder(requireContext())
.addHeader() )
.build() }
This is how it looks drawing at the back.
Put in your Card
a Row
with a Alignment.CenterVertically
Something like:
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().height(100.dp),
elevation = 2.dp
modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp),
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
modifier = Modifier
.drawBehind {
color = Teal200,
radius = this.size.maxDimension
text = "NG",
style = TextStyle(color = Color.White, fontSize = 20.sp)
Modifier.padding(start = 20.dp),
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(4.dp, CenterVertically),
Text("Name Surname",style = TextStyle(fontSize = 14.sp))
Text("Active Now",style = TextStyle(fontSize = 14.sp))