When I run this code:
import pyttsx3
engine = pyttsx3.init()
engine.say("Hello, World!")
It shows:
aplay: main:831: audio open error: No such file or directory
I have pyttsx3==2.90
installed on my system(Manjaro 21.1.2 Pahvo).
I have tried reinstalling pip and pyttsx3 too, and I also checked the syntax several times and everything seems fine.
Any suggestions will help a lot :)
I solved the problem by adding those lines to my script:
os.system('sudo apt install -y espeak')
os.system('sudo apt-get -y update')
os.system('sudo apt-get install -y alsa-utils')
os.system('sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common')
os.system('sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg')
Alternatively you can run those commands in your terminal as well. Had no more issues after that.