I wrote tailwind.config.js
as bellows to use new CSS length types such as lvh
, svh
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
height: {
"screen": "100dvh",
"screen-small": "100svh",
"screen-large": "100lvh"
then it successfully exports
.h-screen {
height: 100dvh;
But I want to get with fallback properties like
.h-screen {
height: 100vh; /* fallback for Opera, IE and etc. */
height: 100dvh;
Is there any nice way to export fallback properties with Tailwind CSS?
Pass an array as property
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
height: {
screen: ['100vh /* fallback for Opera, IE and etc. */', '100dvh'],
This will generate
.h-screen {
height: 100vh /* fallback for Opera, IE and etc. */;
height: 100dvh;
Note: I'm not 100% sure it is supposed way to do it as editor shows error because we are passing not string but array of strings.
Another way is to create utility with layer
@layer utilities {
.h-my-screen {
height: 100vh; /* fallback for Opera, IE and etc. */
height: 100dvh;
In case if you wish to use reserved h-screen
name approach is similar but it will stack default (100vh) and new value (100dvh) in correct order you need - but it is just coincidence
@layer utilities {
.h-screen {
height: 100dvh;
Same thing using Tailwind plugin
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin')
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
plugin(function ({ addBase, addComponents, addUtilities, theme }) {
'.h-screen': {
height: '100dvh',
Created both way utility h-screen
will now generate
.h-screen {
height: 100vh;
height: 100dvh;
Note: when using JS syntax object CANNOT contain similar keys (height
in your case) but it may accept an array of values in defined order
// Wrong
'.h-my-screen': {
height: '100vh /* fallback for Opera, IE and etc. */',
height: '100dvh',
// Correct
'.h-my-screen': {
height: ['100vh /* fallback for Opera, IE and etc. */', '100dvh'],