
Googly MyBusiness API discovery URL not working

I have a Python piece of code that was working with Google MyBusiness API up until several weeks ago (October 2021):

discovery_url = ''

service = build(

Now the same piece of code produces the following error:

googleapiclient.errors.UnknownApiNameOrVersion: name: mybusiness  version: v4

Based on their documentation, my discoveryServiceUrl should be:

discovery_url = ''

service = build(

When I make that change, I get another error:

googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting$discovery/rest?version=v4 returned "The request is missing a valid API key.". Details: "The request is missing a valid API key.">

I have no idea what API key I should supply in the discovery URL?


  • The API you are using has been expired. you can use the new APIs like Account Management API , My Business Business Information API. The documentation link for example for the latter is My Business Business Information API