
Stargazer in R reporting t-value in addition to standard error and estimates

I would like to add the t-value underneath the standard error in square bracket, how can I accomplish this with Stargazer?

school.reg1 <- lm(math~income+students+english, data=CASchools)
school.reg2 <- lm(read~income+students+english, data=CASchools)

stargazer(school.reg1, school.reg2,  type="latex",
          covariate.labels = c("Number of Students at School", "Median Income of Parents", "% of Non-Native English Speakers", "Total School Spending", "Percent Qualifying for CalWorks "),
          dep.var.labels = c("Math", "Reading"),
         keep.stat=c("n", "adj.rsq"),
         add.lines = list(c("AIC", round(AIC(school.reg1),2), round(AIC(school.reg2),2) )) )

Currently the table looks like this

enter image description here

Source code taken from


  • Perhaps you are also fine with "t=" instead of square brakets. Use the report option.

    school.reg1 <- lm(math~income+students+english, data=CASchools)
    school.reg2 <- lm(read~income+students+english, data=CASchools)
    stargazer(school.reg1, school.reg2,  type="text",
              covariate.labels = c("Number of Students at School", "Median Income of Parents", "% of Non-Native English Speakers", "Total School Spending", "Percent Qualifying for CalWorks "),
              dep.var.labels = c("Math", "Reading"),
              keep.stat=c("n", "adj.rsq"),
              report = "vc*st",
              add.lines = list(c("AIC", round(AIC(school.reg1),2), round(AIC(school.reg2),2) )) )
                                         Dependent variable:     
                                          Math         Reading   
                                          (1)            (2)     
    Number of Students at School        1.498***      1.501***   
                                        (0.083)        (0.074)   
                                       t = 18.137    t = 20.177  
    Median Income of Parents             0.0001        -0.0001   
                                        (0.0002)      (0.0001)   
                                       t = 0.408     t = -0.739  
    % of Non-Native English Speakers   -0.406***      -0.569***  
                                        (0.035)        (0.031)   
                                      t = -11.632    t = -18.101 
    Total School Spending              636.628***    641.224***  
                                        (1.590)        (1.431)   
                                      t = 400.498    t = 448.017 
    AIC                                  3248.6        3160.46   
    Observations                          420            420     
    Adjusted R2                          0.625          0.735    
    Note:                             *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

    To add those in square brackets, follow this approach and modify the source code of stargazer R stargazer package: eliminate "t =" label from reported test statistics