I have multiple Python installations and when working on different projects, these can cause some confusion. I just recently found out, that under Windows there also is a py Launcher installed and updated alongside each installation of Python. That is useful tool, but I think this py launcher is messing up some things for me.
I'd like to find out, which python installation it defaults to. How can I do this on cmd?
Usually, to avoid using the wrong installation, I check in the command line (cmd) with the following commands:
where python
where python3 # when specifying
where pip # when installing packages
But for the py Launcher I can't use this:
where py # gives: C:\Windows\py.exe
py --version # gives Python 3.9.5, but not the path of the installation (i have multiple python 3.9.5)
Is there something like py --path
I just found the corresponding command
py -0p
Lists all installed Pythons (-0
) found by py Launcher for Windows with paths (p