I'm quite familiar with PHP dockblocks since it's been my job for the last 15+ years.
* Description
* @tag bla bla
* @tag more bla bla
What I'm trying to understand is if there is a standard like that for Delphi and/or FreePascal.
From my analysis on an awful lot of code I never seen any, but I could be dead wrong.
Using the XMLDoc tool for API documentation and HelpInsight with Delphi 2005 http://edn.embarcadero.com/article/32770
XML Documentation in Delphi 2006 http://tondrej.blogspot.com/2006/03/xml-documentation-in-delphi-2006.html
DelphiCodeToDoc http://dephicodetodoc.sourceforge.net/
Doc-O-Matic http://www.doc-o-matic.com/examplesourcecode.html
PasDoc http://pasdoc.sipsolutions.net/
Pascal Browser http://www.peganza.com/
Doxygen http://www.doxygen.nl/
Pas2Dox http://sourceforge.net/projects/pas2dox/
JADD - Just Another DelphiDoc http://delphidoc.sourceforge.net/
Is there a Delphi code documentor that supports current Delphi syntax? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/673248/is-there-a-delphi-code-documentor-that-supports-current-delphi-syntax
Code documentation for delphi similar to javadoc or c# xml doc Code documentation for delphi similar to javadoc or c# xml doc
Documenting Delphi https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33336/documenting-delphi