
Get app version from pyproject.toml inside python code

I am not very familiar with python, I only done automation with so I am a new with packages and everything.
I am creating an API with Flask, Gunicorn and Poetry.
I noticed that there is a version number inside the pyproject.toml and I would like to create a route /version which returns the version of my app.
My app structure look like this atm:

├── poetry.lock
├── pyproject.toml
├── tests
│   └──

Where is my main file which run the app.

I saw peoples using importlib but I didn't find how to make it work as it is used with:
__version__ = importlib.metadata.version("__package__")
But I have no clue what this package mean.


  • You should not use __package__, which is the name of the "import package" (or maybe import module, depending on where this line of code is located), because this is not what is expected here.

    importlib.metadata.version() expects the name of the "distribution package" (the thing that you pip-install), which is the one you write in the [project] table of pyproject.toml as name = "my-distribution-package-name".

    So if the application or library whose version string you want to get is named my-foo-lib, then you only need to call the following

    import importlib.metadata
    version_string_of_foo = importlib.metadata.version('my-foo-lib')