
Symfony 6: embedded form Collection with File upload in child form

I have an entity ClientFileAction which is parent to an entity Attachment in OneToMany relation. Attachment holds not only file path, but also information about files, like title, upload date, etc.


#[ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 255)]
private $title;
#[ORM\Column(type: 'datetime')]
private $uploaded;
#[ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 255)]
private $filePath;

When it comes to create a form type AttachmentType and upload files one to one, there is no problem:


    ->add('title', null, ['label' => 'Title', 'required' => true])
    ->add('attachmentFile', FileType::class, [
        'label' => 'File',
        'mapped' => false,
        'required' => true,
        'constraints' => [
            new File([
                'maxSize' => '1024k',

In the controller I just get uploaded file with $attachmentFile = $form->get('attachmentFile')->getData(); and then proceed to the usual UploadedFile::move() stuff.


But when I try to upload multiple attachments (not only files, but attachments with a title field), the uploaded file field seems to be unreachable.


    ->add('description', null, ['label' => 'Description', 'required' => true])
    ->add('attachments', CollectionType::class, ['label' => false,
                                            'allow_add' => true,
                                            'by_reference' => false,
                                            'entry_type' => AttachmentType::class,
                                            'entry_options' => ['label' => false],

When I embed the AttachmentType as Collection inside ClientFileActionType, then, in the controller I don't find a way to get uploaded files:

$attachments = $form->get('attachments')->getData();

$attachments is an array of Attachment, and, as attachmentFile is not a mapped field, it dissapeared on the $form->handleRequest($request);.

I need a way to get unmapped attachmentFile fields of the child forms someway, something like:

$attachmentFiles = $form->get('attachments.attachmentFile')->getData();

That throws an error. Is there a correct way to do that?


  • I found the correct way to do it as I was typing the question.

    The uploaded files are in the Request object, so a correct approach for this scenario of file upload management could be:

    if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid())
        $files = $request->files->all('client_file_action')['attachments'];
        foreach ($files as $file)
            $attachmentFile = $file['attachmentFile'];
            $originalFilename = pathinfo($attachmentFile->getClientOriginalName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
            $safeFilename = $slugger->slug($originalFilename);
            $newFilename = $safeFilename.'-' . uniqid() . '.' .$attachmentFile->guessExtension();
            $attachment = $clientFileAction->findAttachment($i);
            if ($attachment != null)
                $attachment->setFilePath('path/to/folder/' . $newFilename);
        $clientFileActionRepository->add($clientFileAction, true);