
Error in Integration Studio when calling endpoint that returns a lot of data

I am trying to call a rest api that returns a maximum of 1000 data in wso2 integration studio and list its results in the script mediator. It does not work when the limit parameter is set to a value close to 1000. I can fetch 500 pieces of data. But I can't fetch more. How can I get this to work when there is too much data?

The error I got:

The script engine returned an Exception executing the external js script : null function mediate java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: out of range index

Here is my sample work:

<resource methods="GET" url-mapping="/GetTotalBuildingCountAndArea">
                    <http method="get" uri-template="http://localhost/entities?type=Building&amp;limit=800">
            <script language="js"><![CDATA[
            var buildings = mc.getPayloadJSON();
            <property name="messageType" scope="axis2" type="STRING" 
            <jsontransform description="Json Convert">
                <property name="synapse.commons.json.output.autoPrimitive" value="true"/>
                <property name="synapse.commons.enableXmlNullForEmptyElement" 


  • This is a limitation of Script Mediator. The documentation has this to say.

    The Micro Integrator uses Rhino engine to execute JavaScripts. Rhino engine converts the script to a method inside a Java class. Therefore, when processing large JSON data volumes, the code length must be less than 65536 characters, since the Script mediator converts the payload into a Java object. However, you can use the following alternative options to process large JSON data volumes.

    • Achieve the same functionality via a Class mediator .
    • If the original message consists of repetitive sections, you can use the Iterate mediator to generate a relatively small payload using those repetitive sections. This will then allow you to use the Script mediator.
    • The Script Mediator supports using Nashorn to execute JavaScripts, in addition to its default Rhino engine.

    It's best to handle this in such a way you altogether avoid the issue. But you can try the third option mentioned above as well. In the Script mediator try changing the language to nashornJS.

    <script language="nashornJS">