I am using the package "table1" to create a fancy table one with extra column containing the standardized mean difference of continuous variables in my dataset.
The SMD should be a combination between the treatment and control groups stratified for a given variable within the table.
I am struggling to figure out a good way of doing this and would love some help creating the function to calculate SMD.
Here is some sample code:
f <- function(x, n, ...) factor(sample(x, n, replace=T, ...), levels=x)
n <- 146
dat <- data.frame(id=1:n)
dat$treat <- f(c("Placebo", "Treated"), n, prob=c(1, 2)) # 2:1 randomization
dat$age <- sample(18:65, n, replace=TRUE)
dat$sex <- f(c("Female", "Male"), n, prob=c(.6, .4)) # 60% female
dat$wt <- round(exp(rnorm(n, log(70), 0.23)), 1)
# Add some missing data
dat$wt[sample.int(n, 5)] <- NA
label(dat$age) <- "Age"
label(dat$sex) <- "Sex"
label(dat$wt) <- "Weight"
label(dat$treat) <- "Treatment Group"
units(dat$age) <- "years"
units(dat$wt) <- "kg"
my.render.cont <- function(x) {
with(stats.apply.rounding(stats.default(x), digits=2), c("",
"Mean (SD)"=sprintf("%s (± %s)", MEAN, SD)))
my.render.cat <- function(x) {
c("", sapply(stats.default(x), function(y) with(y,
sprintf("%d (%0.0f %%)", FREQ, PCT))))
#My attempt at an SMD function
smd_value <- function(x, ...) {
x <- x[-length(x)] # Remove "overall" group
# Construct vectors of data y, and groups (strata) g
y <- unlist(x)
g <- factor(rep(1:length(x), times=sapply(x, length)))
if (is.numeric(y) & g==1) {
# For numeric variables, calculate SMD
smd_val1 <- (mean(y)/sd(y))
} else if (is.numeric(y) & g==2) {
# For numeric variables, calculate SMD
smd_val2 <- (mean(y)/sd(y))
} else {print("--")
smd_val <- smdval2 - smdval1
table1(~ age + sex + wt | treat, data=dat, render.continuous=my.render.cont, render.categorical=my.render.cat, extra.col=list(`SMD`=smd_value))
I get the following error:
"Error in if (is.numeric(y) & g == 1) { : the condition has length > 1"
Any insight into a potential solution?
Here you go!
# Install Packages---------------------------------------------------
#Using 'mtcars' as an example
# Format variables--------------------------------------------------------------
# amd - Transmission (0 = automatic; 1 = manual)
my_data$am <-factor(my_data$am,
levels = c(0,1),
labels =c("Automatic","Manual"))
label(my_data$am) <-"Transmission Type" #adding a label for the variable
# vs - Engine (0 = V-shaped, 1 = Straight)
my_data$vs <-factor(my_data$vs,
levels = c(0,1),
labels =c("V-shaped","Straight"))
label(my_data$vs) <-"Engine"
# Adding a label to the numeric variables
label(my_data$mpg)<-"Miles per gallon"
# SMD FUNCTION------------------------------------------------------------------
SMD_value <- function(x, ...) {
# Construct vectors of data y, and groups (strata) g
y <- unlist(x)
g <- factor(rep(1:length(x), times=sapply(x, length)))
if (is.numeric(y)) {
# For numeric variables
smd<-(as.data.frame(stddiff.numeric(data=a,gcol = "g", vcol = "y")))$stddiff
} else {
# For categorical variables
smd<-(abs((bal.tab(a, treat = "g",data=a,binary="std",continuous =
"std",s.d.denom = "pooled",stats=c("mean.diffs"))$Balance)$Diff.Un))
c("",format(smd,digits=2)) #Formatting number of digits
# CONTINUOUS VARIABLES FORMATTING-----------------------------------------------
my.render.cont <- function(x) {
"Mean (SD)" = sprintf("%s (%s)",
round_pad(MEAN, 1),
round_pad(SD, 1)),
"Median (IQR)" = sprintf("%s (%s, %s)",
round_pad(MEDIAN, 1),
round_pad(Q1, 1),
round_pad(Q3, 1)))
# Creating the final table-----------------------------------------------------
Table1<-table1(~ vs + mpg + hp | am,
overall = FALSE,
render.continuous = my.render.cont,
extra.col=list(`SMD`=SMD_value)) #SMD Column
Table1 #displays final table