
Error accessing uncompiled pages using ISA Server 2006 SP1

We are in the processing of configuring a portal to use ISA Server as our front end security provider.
So we are using ISA Server 2006 SP1.

Unfortunately when we access .net applications through ISA Server, the first time they are accessed.
i.e. They are not compiled yet, the following error appears:
Error Code: 500 Internal Server Error. The parameter is incorrect. (87)

In the ISA Monitoring logs, this shows:

Failed Connection Attempt
Log type: Web Proxy (Reverse)
Status: 87 The parameter is incorrect.

Once the application is compiled, the error never appears.
Does anyone know how to resolve this, so the site works correctly the first time?

Some additional information:


  • This problem was caused by the Authentication Delegation value in ISA Server being set to NTLM while IIS was setup to accept Windows Authentication. This combination appears to be a problem in my environment.

    Changing it to basic authentication, or any other valid combination works correctly, thus I'm going with a different authentication delegation setting.