
Xiaomi, Redmi, Android. Error in Logcat: W PowerChecker.Controller: autoKillApp, calling ProcessManager uid = 10289, pkg = com.termux

Xiaomi Redmi 7A with MIUI 12.5 keeps killing background service / application (Telegram SMS and Termux) when the phone is not connected to charger. Logcat log:

01-06 10:45:57.787  1892  1892 I MiuiChargeManager: notifyBatteryStatusChanged:  status: 3 isPlugged: 0 level: 70 wireState: -1 chargeSpeed: 0 m
WiredChargeType: 0 mWirelessChargeType: 0 chargeDeviceType: -1
01-06 10:50:15.716  4344  4652 W PowerChecker.Controller: autoKillApp, calling ProcessManager uid = 10289, pkg = com.termux
01-06 10:50:15.716  1580  2093 I ProcessManager: Kill reason AutoPowerKill from pid=4344
01-06 10:50:15.829  1580  2093 I ProcessManager: AutoPowerKill: kill com.termux Adj=200 State=5
01-06 10:50:15.830  1580  2093 I ActivityManager: Killing 13234:com.termux/u0a289 (adj 200): AutoPowerKill
01-06 10:50:15.875  4344  4652 W PowerChecker.Controller: autoKillApp, calling ProcessManager uid = 10305, pkg = com.qwe7002.telegram_sms
01-06 10:50:15.876  1580  2093 I ProcessManager: Kill reason AutoPowerKill from pid=4344
01-06 10:50:15.877  1580  2093 I ProcessManager: AutoPowerKill: kill com.qwe7002.telegram_sms:command Adj=200 State=5
01-06 10:50:15.878  1580  2093 I ActivityManager: Killing 23378:com.qwe7002.telegram_sms:command/u0a305 (adj 200): AutoPowerKill
01-06 10:50:15.880  1580  2093 I ProcessManager: AutoPowerKill: kill com.qwe7002.telegram_sms:battery Adj=200 State=5
01-06 10:50:15.880  1580  2093 I ActivityManager: Killing 23348:com.qwe7002.telegram_sms:battery/u0a305 (adj 200): AutoPowerKill
01-06 10:50:15.961  1580  1848 I ProcessManager: remove no clear notification:StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.termux user=UserHandle{0} id=1337 tag=null key=0|com.termux|1337|null|10289: Notification(channel=termux_notification_channel pri=1 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0xff607d8b actions=2 vis=PRIVATE))
01-06 10:50:15.968  1580  3450 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.termux/.app.TermuxService in 1000ms
01-06 10:50:15.973  1580  1665 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 13234
01-06 10:50:15.977  1580  4023 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.qwe7002.telegram_sms/.battery_service in 10992ms
01-06 10:50:15.983  1580  1848 I ProcessManager: remove no clear notification:StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.qwe7002.telegram_sms user=UserHandle{0} id=2 tag=null key=0|com.qwe7002.telegram_sms|2|null|10305: Notification(channel=Chat command  pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE))
01-06 10:50:15.984  1580  4019 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.qwe7002.telegram_sms/.chat_command_service in 20984ms
01-06 10:50:16.650 23510 23510 E ExtAssistant: Error occurred processing removal of StatusBarNotification(pkg=com.termux user=UserHandle{0} id=1337 tag=null key=0|com.termux|1337|null|10289: Notification(channel=termux_notification_channel pri=1 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0xff607d8b actions=2 vis=PRIVATE))

How to fix this?


  • Need to lock application in Recents menu:

    Go to Security app > tap settings (gear on top right) > Boost speed > Lock apps > Lock the app you need to keep running. This replaces the "padlock" icon (App pinning from the recents menu) that no longer is visible in MIUI 12.


    But much better to use Android 9 with MIUI 11. Android 10 with MIUI 12 quite aggressively are killing background apps.