I used retryWhen with the bufferWhen operator in my code. But retryWhen is deprecated. Which operator can I use instead of retryWhen? This is my code:
tap(() => {
if (this.webBusy) {
throw 2;
retryWhen(errors =>
tap(val => console.log(`Nav ${val} WebBusy`)),
bufferWhen(() => this.doNextAct$)
switchMap((resp: SvcResponse) => {
this.webBusy = true;
return api.doAct(navData);
tap((resp: SvcResponse) => {
this.webBusy = false;
I tried using the delay operator but I'm having trouble combining it with the bufferWhen operator.
As described in the RxJS retryWhen, you can use retry with the delay config instead.
delay: (err, count) => {
console.log(`retried ${count} times`);
// if the retry count reach 2 then stop and throw an error
if (count == 2) {
throw new Error(err);
// otherwise keep retrying until the notifier completes with bufferWhen
return notifire.pipe(bufferWhen(() => this.doNextAct$));
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