
Why Flutter can't find the new API toImageSync for RenderRepaintBoundary class?

The method 'toImageSync' was recently added to Flutter for RenderRepaintBoundary. As shown in this link.


However, it gives me the following error when I try to use it. It works fine if I switch to 'toImage()'. I'm running the latest stable 3.3.10 version.

**The method 'toImageSync' isn't defined for the class 'RenderRepaintBoundary'.**

final boundary =
        key.currentContext!.findRenderObject() as RenderRepaintBoundary;
ui.Image image = boundary.toImageSync();


  • I don't know why the latest stable 3.3.10 version doesn't recognize toImageSync, but to make it work I simpy updated my flutter to the nearest beta version.

    1. Make sure your flutter path is the same as you use in android studio

    2. Upgrade to beta:

    flutter channel beta
    flutter upgrade
    flutter -version
    1. Set the minimum flutter version in your pubspec.yaml to your installed version:
      sdk: '>=2.18.6 <3.0.0'
      flutter: '>=3.7.0-1.4.pre'