
removing a plane when another one is added threejs

My goal is to have a button which switches between terrain-generating functions and removes the previous terrain.

Currently, the buttons work but the plane's stack on top of eachother. Here is a photo of the problem (

Two functions creating a lava-type terrain, and the other a cobblestone terrain. I have put them both into their own functions

  function lavaGround() {
    const planeLava = new THREE.Mesh(
      new THREE.PlaneGeometry(200, 200, 512, 512),
      new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
        //irrelevant code

  function cobbleGround() {
    const planeCobble = new THREE.Mesh(
      new THREE.PlaneGeometry(200, 200, 512, 512),
      new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
      //irrelevant code

two buttons which successfully add the new terrain to the scene.

  let cobbleButton = document.getElementById("cobblestone");
  cobbleButton.addEventListener("click", cobbleGround);

  let lavaButton = document.getElementById("lava");
  lavaButton.addEventListener("click", lavaGround);

Then to remove the other terrain, I tried using scene.remove to remove the other grounds but this did not work.

  let lavaButton = document.getElementById("lava");
      lavaButton.addEventListener("click", lavaGround);
      if (lavaGround) {
let cobbleButton = document.getElementById("cobblestone");
    cobbleButton.addEventListener("click", cobbleGround);
    if (cobbleButton) {

I also tried creating one big terrain function but still did not work. Any ideas would be appreciated thanks !


  • depending on your code structure:

        let createdTerrain;
        function lavaGround() {
        const planeLava = new THREE.Mesh(
          new THREE.PlaneGeometry(200, 200, 512, 512),
          new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
            //irrelevant code
          // see if a terain exists, and remove it from the scene
          if(createdTerrain != null) scene.remove(createdTerrain)
          // store the created terain
          createdTerrain = planeLava
        function cobbleGround() {
          const planeCobble = new THREE.Mesh(
          new THREE.PlaneGeometry(200, 200, 512, 512),
          new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
          //irrelevant code
            if(createdTerrain != null) scene.remove(createdTerrain)        
            // store the created terain
            createdTerrain = planeCobble 

    If these terrains are the same shape everytime they are created, you can store the two terrains so that the can be reused instead of creating new terrains everytime you call the method, ex:

        let planeLava;
        let planeCobble;
        function lavaGround() {
        if(planeLava != null) 
           if(planeCobble != null) scene.remove(planeCobble)
           const plane_Lava = new THREE.Mesh(
             new THREE.PlaneGeometry(200, 200, 512, 512),
             new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({
              //irrelevant code
          // see if a previous terain exists, and remove it from the scene
          if(planeCobble != null) scene.remove(planeCobble)
          // store the created terain
          planeLava = plane_Lava

    Of course this can be furthure modified/optimized hope this helps