I am working on an MFC application with a Ribbon Bar and am experiencing difficulty adding event handlers for new controls from the Ribbon Designer. This was working fine the last time I edited the Ribbon roughly 2 months ago. For instance, adding a new button ("Test Function") I change the resource ID to "ID_BUTTON_TESTFUNC" then right click the button and select "Add Event Handler...". The dialog comes up with a Function Name "On18" rather than "OnButtonTestfunc" and adds a message map and function that don't respond to the button.
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFCApplication2View, CView)
// Standard printing commands
ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW, &CMFCApplication2View::OnFilePrintPreview)
ON_COMMAND(18, &CMFCApplication2View::On18)
void CMFCApplication2View::On18()
I have tried the following, expecting (hoping) VS would return to normal behavior:
Manually adding the message map entry, function declaration and function definition works and responds to the button press: MFCApplication2View.h:
afx_msg void OnButtonTestfunc();
ON_COMMAND(ID_BUTTON_TESTFUNC, &CMFCApplication2View::OnButtonTestfunc)
void CMFCApplication2View::OnButtonTestfunc()
//my code here
But I am concerned about what else might be corrupted in VS. Any thoughts would be very welcome.
Microsoft indicates that this is an issue and had been previously fixed in version 17.5 Preview 2. See: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/MFC-Add-Event-Handler-Dialog--not-prope/10211759.